The Most Common Car Accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of injury and property damage in the United States. Although not every collision involves fatalities, there is often damage to vehicles and injuries. There are ways to prevent car accidents, including practicing basic safety measures. Below, we will discuss the most common types of car accidents. Let’s start with Side-impact collisions. These are collisions caused by a driver who loses control of the vehicle. After this, read on to learn about Rollover accidents and Angle collisions.

Side-impact collisions

If you’ve ever been in a side-impact car accident, you know that they can be devastating, even fatal. These collisions are caused by several factors, including the speed at which the other vehicle was moving, the position of the occupants in the car, and whether the other driver followed traffic laws. According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, side-impact collisions account for twenty-four percent of all fatal car accidents.

Rear-end collisions

Rear-end collisions occur most often when the car in front of the collision stops or slows down. This type of car accident is particularly dangerous because the driver in the rear cannot escape. Traffic signals and stop signs may also be in the way, making the accident even more dangerous. The collision’s force sends the victim’s body forward violently, and the head snaps forward. Whiplash, or neck pain, is one of the most common injuries associated with rear-end collisions. In some cases, the brain is damaged, resulting in permanent disabilities.

Rollover accidents

Approximately one-third of rollover accidents result in fatalities. While speeding is a common cause of rollover accidents, other factors can contribute to a deadly accident. Road conditions, such as steep slopes, soft soil, and guardrails, can cause a rollover, too. In such cases, the victim of a rollover accident can file a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer of the car or a defective tire.

Angle collisions

According to the National Safety Council, a collision with another vehicle is the most common cause of fatal car accidents. Compared to a head-on collision, angle crashes occur more often on highways and in residential areas. These accidents can be caused by running red lights, failing to yield to other drivers, and changing lanes without looking. Because of their dangerous nature, angle collisions often lead to fatal accidents. In some cases, these accidents are preventable, and compensation can help victims recover for medical expenses and lost wages.

Surprise obstacles

Surprise obstacles in common car accidents can happen for several reasons, and one of the most common is when a driver overcorrects to avoid an object in the road. This can happen due to things falling off trucks, pedestrians, or slick road surfaces. Some drivers are also careless and reckless, which causes them to lose control and crash into another vehicle, a median, or a guardrail. These factors contribute to about 3.5% of fatal accidents.

Distracted driving

Studies show that distracted driving leads to a staggering number of accidents. According to the CDC, nearly 400,000 car accidents in the US involve distracted drivers. In fact, over twenty percent of all crashes involve distracted drivers, and the risk of death is high for these accidents. Thankfully, there are ways to minimize the chance of getting into a car accident. But, if you are involved in one and it was caused by a distracted driver, contact Cellino Law since you might be entitled to financial compensation.

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