A Few FAQs To Know Before Using VIN Lookup Tool

There are a few answers that you should look for before you use a decoder to check your VIN, or Vehicle Identification Number. Please note here that the word ‘number’ is already included in VIN but technically, people often use ‘VIN number’as a phrase in their searches. You may follow the convention because this is not wrong. First, the use of VIN. When you search, your VIN will enable you to know about the key specifications of your car along with its pedigree. You will also know about the title, insurance and registration of your car. You will also need it when you purchase a replacement partfor your car. 

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Basics of VIN

This unique code of every vehicle comes in letters and numbers with no spaces in between them. This avoids confusion while reading or decoding it.When you decode your VIN using tools like VIN lookup it will show your different sections. One such section is the Vehicle Identifier Section or VIS. Then there is the Vehicle description Section or VDS and a WMI which stands for World Manufacturer Identifier. The VIN will have 17 digits wherein the first three symbols denote the manufacturer of the car. The first digit indicates the country of manufacturer.

The letters omitted

The unique VIN does not include specific letters such as Q (q), I (i), and O (o). This is done deliberately to avoid confusion because these letters, whether in lower or upper case, may look just like the numerals 0 and 1. Ideally, a VIN is printed in a single line, which once again avoid confusions and miss outs while reading. Therefore, a VIN is a useful thing both for the manufacturer and especially for the buyers but without knowing the key aspects of it, it may not be of any use. 

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